I hate looking all over the net for free Hentai videos (Kids, don't Google search this...Wikipedia it. Its safer.) So, I decided to make my own! HA! Now no more looking for good hentai site! (I cant tell U the site name...I think that would be against Newgrounds TOS...). Well, its not completely done yet....OK, I don't even Have the template on the page (The server keeps having errors and crap...its stupid...) and I cant set the PMOD because I cant even to the control panel....
But once I get it all done and correct, people can join and become members and submit their own videos.
Of course I wont just have ALL hentai. I will have an all REAL skin, but the main theme will be for animated toons (not those stupid ones with the Flintstones in it either...). And I'm going to have to monitor what files get uploaded myself...I don't want any dumb pricks submitting illegal videos (you know...the ones that people put in jail and REGISTERED...)
Well, if you DO want to know what the site name is, you can always email me ( NOT PM ! ) at darkwiz666@gmail.com . I will give you the site name from there, but if you end up getting in trouble, it's ALL on you! And if I find out that you are someone who was submitting illegal videos, I WILL report you to the proper authorities....YOU REALLY don't want that...