View Profile Darkwiz666

DxGeass @Darkwiz666

Age 35, Male


In your Fridge!~

Joined on 11/1/05

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Darkwiz666's News

Posted by Darkwiz666 - July 28th, 2009

177 Blams / 155 Saves...shows how much NG has went down the crapper, because I had a 100/98 score about 4 weeks ago...-_-

Anyway, just added my new profile pic...:D

Took a while...-_-

[Edit within 2 minutes]
Oooo...lookie! 179/155 now...and it continues...! -_-

Posted by Darkwiz666 - June 27th, 2009

1) A spammer will get banned, but only after MANY MANY MANY spam submissions...which, btw, were let through the stupid MODs...

2) anyone else will get a review-ban for calling him out on it...which, BTW, is BARELY a violation...if ANYTHING, the spam poster should be the one getting banned.

3) The Mods here have GOT to be lazy...power hungry fat people tend to do nothing. (hence the reason why amount of spam that's being posted per day...

4) Of all the times I have been 'banned' they have been
a) Review infringements (telling spammers that they need to do something else apparently perpetuates the cycle...like they wont do it just because they want to...-_-)
b) Forum post ban (so 'promoting' something is just mentioning something...the damn mod (KIRK...dick) is acting like no one on the damn planet is going to Google how to get and download it anyway...it's almost like someone asking what someone else was smoking one after noon and the person said "weed"...kirk would ban his ass for just a simple reference to something.

5) "...but not limited to" covers so much ground to cover their asses...they act like they are hardcore while they own/run the site, but that little lawyer speak there points out that they ain't got SHIT on the pirate bay (which is notorious for telling people to f-off for threatening to sue them.) NG aint nothing but a bunch of punk bitches now.

6) Dare I say that the saturation swearing, obvious childish remarks, and spam that is all over the site mean that apparently they shouldn't give a flying fuck about what someone tells someone else? Its not like NG would even GET sued if I told someone to go and torrent something...it WOULDN'T. Ergo, Kirk was being a bored douche...

7) 4chan kiddies have taken over NG...Mods being apart of that group, for all I know. The overall tone of the people here is eerily similar to the shit that's posted over there...

(last edited for spelling. Fixed [Get] and [BARELY])

Posted by Darkwiz666 - May 25th, 2009

I'm working on one as we speak...

Posted by Darkwiz666 - May 21st, 2009

Take a look at this flash...
See the point he's making? Yeah...I bet he gets banned for it because some kid got his feeling hurt because he though the author was making fun of e-penis...-_-

Posted by Darkwiz666 - May 19th, 2009

By the end of the week....I will have 100 total blams...

Because NG is total Shiz now. We cant say something sux, but the spammer can call us what ever the hell they want and get away with it...what fun...-_-

NG...FAIL..it used to be so much better than this, but now...its just redundant.

Posted by Darkwiz666 - May 18th, 2009

NG has turned to 1000% full blown CRAP...80% of the daily submission material is spam...easy pickings for people like me who like seeing good flash and have some form of REAL taste in humor...not "lol luk @t diz!" crap.

A week ago, my B/S numbers were about 75(s)/78(b)...that has grown to 78(s)/93(b)...because of all the shiz that makes it past the lazy ass MODs...
And on top of all of that, I say that the crap is crap in a comment, and I get banned for it! I say these MODs need to actually WATCH the junk they pass into the forum...

Posted by Darkwiz666 - June 24th, 2008

Oh, man I was going CRAZY!!!
(Newgrounds wont really let me put any screenies on this page, so head over to
my blog page and watch me gloat...post yourown screenies too, if ya wanna.

Posted by Darkwiz666 - June 1st, 2008

I have a copy of FL Studio 8 XXL Producers Edition and I STILL dont really know how to use the dang thing! I made my latest song in it (which took a few days...), but that song really sux! I cant really listen to any more of my stuff without thinking that I COMPLETELY SUX! UGH! I wanna be like ParagonX9 and ZeRoBaSs!

Too bad most of the good tutorials are only on fruityloops website for registered users...*sigh*
Guess I'll have to youtube it... >_<;

So, why is making techno in fruity loops so hard?

Posted by Darkwiz666 - May 28th, 2008

Well, being a teenager calls forth the unstoppable problem of getting in to serious trouble...shame...
Last Sunday my friend called me up to go over his house of a day of Gaming...(Wii, PC, ETC.). He told me that I should try to get to the bus stop (Appx. 1.8 Miles away from my house...) and to do it within 15 minutes...Easy for me to do.

Well, I grabbed up a few things that I felt that I would need, such as house keys, my MP3 Player, and the 2 items that would conjure the damn storm in the first place...2 DecoColor Paint markers...
Cant see what im heading towards? Read on and you'll see what I mean...

Well, I ran about 1/2 the way to the stop with a few breaks here and there, crossed the street NOT near a crosswalk (Not what got me in trouble...), and was about 150Ft. away from the bus stop..I did 2 things, one of which I'm NOT saying until after June 2nd...if I can do so...

2) I got to the buss stop, looked around a bit, and pulled out one of my deco's...

I preceded to write on the bus stop...
Bad idea right? Well, it gets worse...
I had looked around a bit, but you know, what you DON'T see is the object that kills you...
I noticed RIGHT AFTER (less than 5 seconds...) I finished writing on the bus stop...I spotted a Squad Car at the corner across the street from the stop...

Well, theres the storm clouds overhead...

The drove me downtown, processed me, and put me in the holding room. It contained about 25 other people who had done "Something" to get themselves in there...quite a few were stupid reasons to be in...a few were stupid to even be considered criminal...

Well, I was there all night...not really as bad as most people say...it's just by me only getting breakfast that I can tell that the food SUX... >_<;

The next morning we saw the judge (Its Memorial day by now...) and I'm scheduled to return on June 2nd...
I must attend school all this week , no being late, no NOT going...or it will make matters worse for me when I go to court...

And the storm is now only 5 days away...I wonder if I will get get pelted with rain, or completely OBLITERATED with lightning...

Posted by Darkwiz666 - April 21st, 2008

Ah...its been a while...I havnt used this in ages to post ANYTHING...because I reayy dont see much reason as to why to put anything here....not like anybody will get a chance to read it at all....so its sorta lame posting anything here....

Well, anyway, within the next few weeks Im going to release a new track that I created in FL Studio 8 (XXL Producers Edition...heheh).
It was all I could do while my mind withered away with out the ability to use the internet. (It got cut off becuase the person who was in charge of paying the net bill left town and had to cancel it...now we are waiting to get our turned back one...shame....I cry at night without the internet...boo hoo...lol)

Well, I sorta dilly-dalled (dont even say that STUPID ASS line from FF-Advent Children...I'll kill you in your sleep...Im warning you... ):[ ) around the new (and still looking the same...) FF STudio. I was SOOOO damn bored, that I actully punched out a good song... It sounds weird, trance-like, but I put in some weird FX and it sounds like starts falling from the sky and some other things that I HAVE NO CLUE would sound like it...Thus the name of the track....

(Dx)-(Falling Void Turn)


Yeah, Like I said....I was STUPID bored.

Well, when the time comes when I get my net-connection back, I will look up on how to actully make WAY better tracks....for I am just a n00b to this...

(wait....did they disable being able to make this a new post on the front page?! Nuts!~)

Newest song....